Ashley Stuart

The Mrs. Oklahoma Inside

Ashley Stuart
The Mrs. Oklahoma Inside
Crowns aren't made of rhinestones. They are made of discipline, determination and a hard to find alloy called courage.

Crowns aren't made of rhinestones. They are made of discipline, determination and a hard to find alloy called courage.

Throughout my life, there have been women who inspired me, and it is their stories and actions that helped me keep going and keep fighting. They helped me to believe that anything is possible if you work hard enough. To say the least, I wouldn't be where I am today without these influences in my life. 

As I was doing some soul searching about what I actually want to do as Mrs. Oklahoma, I realized that I want to inspire other women to not give up. To help them realize that it is never too late to start reaching for a dream or a goal. That's what the Mrs. Oklahoma pageant did for me, while yes I am a wife, mother and full-time employee, that's not all that I am. I still have dreams that I can reach for and it is that process that helps me to become the best version of myself!

Now for me, the goal and dream is Mrs. Oklahoma and Mrs. America but for others, it may be a fitness competition, a promotion, going back to school, starting your own business or even a big vacation. My point is, that it doesn't matter what your goal is, as long as it inspires you! That is why I am starting this series, The Mrs. Oklahoma Inside, because I believe that every woman has a Mrs. Oklahoma inside!

I will be spotlighting amazing married women across Oklahoma, talking about their goals, lives, and even instances where they have been put down and how they handled it. I am so excited to bring this series to you and to brag on these inspirational women! 

I hope that you enjoy their stories and that they inspire you to find The Mrs. Oklahoma Inside!

Remember the crown that sits upon your head sits there not as a symbol of royalty that might denote one who is to be served, but it sits there as a a symbol of one who gives of herself, voluntarily, for the benefit of those by whose name she is called.